30 April 2013

My new life as a housewife

After working for the last 22 years, I was given an opportunity to stay at home for a while and spend time with Jordy, (who is in her last year of school) before I need to make any decisions about what to do.
Given this opportunity I have decided to take this time to spend the mornings completely overhauling every cupboard in my house and getting it to exactly where I want it. (As my afternoons will be filled with picking up Jordy from school, gym and errands)
So yesterday being my first day of being a "housewife" I got up normal time at 5:30am got ready, made Jordy a breakfast smoothly, drove her to school, made my way back home. Feeling decidedly odd but extremely at peace, I made myself an egg yolk on toast for breakfast (I don't like egg white) then I went through to my study to get cracking.
You know how thing just seem to get away from you sometimes, well my study was one of those places where it was kind of, "out of sight, out of mind" kind of place.
I present exhibit A
There is a desk under there somewhere

So yesterday I hit it with a vengeance, shredded two dustbin bags of paperwork, jammed the shredder so badly that I had to wait for Grant to get home to fix it for me, I managed to clear the desk top and drawers but need to continue tomorrow with all the cabinets in the study to get this Home office in working order.
After pictures will follow when project is complete.
Till next time

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